Home & School Annual Events
Summer Ice Cream Social:
The summer Ice Cream Social is during the month of July. It is a great opportunity for the families to come together and see the old and meet the new! The school uniform company tends to be present during this social as well to give the families an opportunity to purchase NEW school uniforms.
Back to School Celebration:
This celebration is a chance for everyone to celebrate the beginning of a new school year, and to get to know everyone. This event is held in the School Gym. It is a great evening to enjoy good food, great entertainment, fun games and contests and MUCH MORE. Entry is free and each participant, student & families, receives a food & drink voucher.
Fall or Spring Festival:
A fun-filled festival held on the school campus, and in the Gym. This event includes inflatable rides, carnival games, face painting, and much more. There is a small ticket price & of course, there is also plenty of good food available. The festival is always themed.
Trunk or Treat:
A fun and safe way to trick or treat. Parents and/or other family members park in the school’s parking lot and give out treats from the trunk of their car. The children get to go from car to car with their friends and classmates collecting treats. A trunk/car decorating contest takes place as well as a costume contest. Awards are given out to the best. Hay Rides & a Haunted Trailer has been present as well!
Red Ribbon Week:
Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation reaching millions of Americans during the last week of October every year. During the week we have presentations, wear & display red ribbons and participate in school community anti-drug activities.
Grandparents Celebration:
This day is the student’s opportunity to recognize their Grandparent or a Special Person in their life. It consists of Mass or a Prayer Service and time for the Grandparent or Special Person to visit to school & classrooms. Light refreshments are normally served.
Catholic Schools Week:
Catholic Schools Week is a nationally celebrated week that begins the last Sunday in January. The events for the week are put together by the school and Home & School helps during the course of the week. It is a fun filled week of Prayer, Celebrations & Lasting Memories! It's a week the school community looks forward to every year.
Mardi Gras Celebration:
Mardi Gras is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday. It is the last day before the Lenten Fasting period. Home & School treats the students to “King Cake”. Wonder who will get the baby!
Lenten Fish Fry's:
On Ash Wednesday and the Friday's in Lent we host Fish Fry's for the community. They consist of fish dinners and a great time for community. All are welcome! More information click here!
Many more events/activities take place during the school year but the above are annual traditions.